I recommending using the LUNA interface for new installs, as described here:
- Install OSMC to SD card
- Verify that OSMC works
- SSH into OSMC (Host osmc, Username osmc, Password osmc).
- Open Your Sources File
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
Add the following repository to the bottom of the list.
deb http://archive.itimmer.nl/raspbian/moonlight jessie main
Press Ctrl+X and hit enter to save
Now update your OSMC instllation
apt-get update
apt-get install moonlight-embedded
Now Install Moonlight-embedded
sudo apt-get install moonlight-embedded
Now lets install the kodi(GUI) interface.
wget https://github.com/dodslaser/script.moonlight-osmc/releases/download/v0.3.3-alpha/script.moonlight-osmc-0.3.3.alpha.zip