Raspberry Pi 2 Nvidia Game Stream with OSMC + LUNA

OSMC is a very extensiable media centre operating system for the raspberry pi. Getting nVidia Game stream up and running is now much easier with the LUNA package by wackerl91. Installation requires a few packages and a little bit of configuration. 1.0 Install Moonlight-embedded For steps 1 and 2, logging into OSMC using ssh is recommended in order to run the following commands. 1.1: Add the repositiory with the moonlight-embedded package to your sources file, you’ll need your password for this: sudo echo ‘deb http://archive.itimmer.nl/raspbian/moonlight jessie main’ | sudo tee –append /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null 1.2 Update and install the moonlight-embedded … Continue reading Raspberry Pi 2 Nvidia Game Stream with OSMC + LUNA

Wearware: G-Force data logger: Update 1

The Wearware: G-Force data logger project has moved on since the last post, both in specification and status. It was envisaged that a PIC12F, and SD card and SPI Accelerometer would be used but after a few revisions and a little bit of software work it was decided to drop the FAT filesystem for the first prototype. This then left the method of getting data from the logger to a PC of some description up for debate. Should a simple UART be used with a UART -> USB cable which can be picked up on ebay for less than £2.00, … Continue reading Wearware: G-Force data logger: Update 1

Wearware: G-Force data logger

For a long time now, there have been discussions (read: heated-discussions) about the claims certain theme parks and manufacturers make about the forces riders will be put through on their rides and attractions. Having come to the point where real captured data is required, the Wearware: G-Force data logger project aims to address this by being simple and usable, allowing this ultimate discussion to be finally resolved.