Raspberry Pi 2 Nvidia Game Stream with OSMC

I recommending using the LUNA interface for new installs, as described here: Install OSMC to SD card Verify that OSMC works SSH into OSMC (Host osmc, Username osmc, Password osmc). Open Your Sources File sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list Add the following repository to the bottom of the list. deb http://archive.itimmer.nl/raspbian/moonlight jessie main Press Ctrl+X and hit enter to save Now update your OSMC instllation apt-get update apt-get install moonlight-embedded Now Install Moonlight-embedded sudo apt-get install moonlight-embedded Now lets install the kodi(GUI) interface. wget https://github.com/dodslaser/script.moonlight-osmc/releases/download/v0.3.3-alpha/script.moonlight-osmc-0.3.3.alpha.zip TBC

USB HID API + TDM32/64 + CodeBlocks + Windows 7

Developing embedded projects with USB requires host side software support. Most of my projects use the USB HID (Human Interface Device) class driver. To be able to comunicate with the device in my C/C++ programs I use the hidapi developed by signal11. You can find all of the files you need here: Github: hidapi After you download the software, you can read the various instructions on how to build the shared libraries as necessary. However, if you don’t mind linking directly into your program (Making it larger) then the process is much simpler. You only need the two files below!

PIC + SDCC + CodeBlocks + Windows 7

Using the SDCC (Small Device C Compiler) is a greate way to fit more code into smaller Microchip PIC parts (Such as the PIC12F/PIC16F series) of microcontrollers. Having used the XC8 compiler for these parts in free mode, taking a look at the generated assembly will reveal alot of wasted moving of variables to the w register. This is simply to encourage people to upgrade and purchase the compiler. Having used the Pro version of the compiler at work it does indeed optimise these wasted statements away, and further optimises the code in some often interesting ways. By using SDCC … Continue reading PIC + SDCC + CodeBlocks + Windows 7

Surface Mount Technology Soldering

In the past, when I’ve done surface mount soldering, I’ve either used a hot air gun or my soldering iron on parts that I had access to, and avoided designing circuits that required QFN, DFN, LGA, BGA and etc. A few years back I invested in a 2000W cooking hot plate to allow me to use solder paste for those parts with no access underneath. I have yet to get my solder paste out of its’ tube and stumbled on a YouTube video showing how you can tin your pads with normal solder and re-flow in the same manner. This … Continue reading Surface Mount Technology Soldering

WareWare: OSHPark First Impressions

In order to make the WearWare: G-Force Data Logger as small as possible, home etching or milling was out of the question. I’ve wanted to have my own PCBs made by a fab house for quite a while, and although I have used Spirit Circuits Go-Naked service to make two layer PCBs before, they don’t come with a solder mask or silkscreen. I’ve looked at services such as Fusion PCB, Gold Phoenix and OSH Park in the past but never took the plunge before. To aid in the development of the WearWare: G-Force data logger it was decided that a … Continue reading WareWare: OSHPark First Impressions

Going with a generic for a while

What is with the generic template I hear you ask? I think it is time I focus more on what is on my site rather than worry about how it looks. So I’ve gone back to an oldie whilst I focus on more exciting projects and articles. See you soon!